Dammeron Valley Fire & Rescue (DVFR) has been awarded a $23,300 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Fire Prevention & Safety Grant Program (FP&S). The purpose of the FP&S grant program is to enhance the safety of the public and firefighters through fire prevention education and projects, with a focus on fire and fire-related hazards.
The grant was awarded to Dammeron Valley specifically for Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) education and awareness, as well as a fuels mitigation initiative. This initiative includes a program to chip and remove fuels that Dammeron Valley residents remove from around their homes. Fuel reduction is a key factor in the fuels mitigation strategy for Dammeron Valley.
The grant also funds educational workshops on WUI risk and will allow DVFR to implement educational updates via the department's website. The first educational workshop will be held at the DVFR/Dammeron Valley Fire SSD Open House on Saturday, 22 April from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The Open House will take place at DVFR's Station 13 in Dammeron Valley.
The Open House will also include lunch provided by the Dammeron Valley Fire SSD, and DVFR's members will perform several firefighting and rescue demonstrations. Dammeron Valley residents who attend can also participate in hands-on demonstrations, such as operating a fire extinguisher.
DVFR, the DVFR Grants Committee, and the Dammeron Valley Fire SSD are excited to receive this grant and look forward to working with FEMA, the Utah Department of Natural Resources' Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands, the Washington County Fire Warden, and other organizations to make the community as safe as possible while maintaining the beauty that brings people to Dammeron Valley.